Member of the press who wish to cover the 27th Tokyo International Film Festival are requested to carefully read the following information before applying for a Press Pass or Technical Pass.
All members of the press are advised to apply for Press Accreditation in advance to cover festival events taking place during the TIFF.
*If you prefer to obtain the information and press releases in Japanese, please change the Website's communication language to Japanese and apply your application
*Renewal Application: For the ID/Password, please refer to the e-mail sent by TIFF press office.

Applications for Press accreditation in 2014 have been closed.
We appreciate for your applications.
*However, please be informed that we keep accepting your applications for Technical Pass. To those who have not applied for Technical Pass, please be reminded to apply as soon as possible.
About Press Pass/Technical Pass
Press Pass and Technical Pass are required IDs for media representatives who want to cover festival events taking place during the TIFF. Pass holders can quickly enter event venues without wasting time for further ID check.
Applying for Accreditation
Please note that members of the press are required to submit their coverage of film from the past one year. If you are from broadcasting media, please clarify the name of TV station and program.
*To facilitate the review of your application for Press Accreditation next year, we would greatly appreciate receiving your press coverage about this year’s TIFF by the end of this year.
*Please register with your individual e-mail address. (Duplicated e-mail address will not be accepted)
Categories of Passes
We have two kinds of passes for the press - Press Pass and Technical Pass. Please check the description of each pass and choose one according to your need.
Press Pass (Reporter/Journalist)
Your Press Pass provides;
- Press releases and other information from the press office by e-mail
- Access to Press and Industry (P&I) screenings at TIFF and TIFFCOM (as part of Japan Content Showcase)
- Access to the Press Information Center
- Access to TIFFCOM market screenings and other TIFFCOM’s events (excluding those by invitation only)
- Quick and easy entry to TIFF events (including the Opening and Closing events).
Technical Pass (Photographer/Media Technician)
Your Technical Pass provides;
- Press releases and other information from the press office by e-mail.
- Access to the Press Information Center, TIFFCOM (as part of Japan Content Showcase) and other specified events and activities.
- Quick and easy entry to TIFF events (including the Opening and Closing events).
*Technical Pass holders may not attend Press & Industry (P&I) screenings and TIFFCOM’s screenings.
*Press pass is non-transferable and violation of pass rules will forfeit pass holders rights.